new enrolment process

Enrolment appointments with the student wellbeing leader can be made through the front office. Please call the school on 86473300 to organise an appointment for you and your child to attend.

Prior to the appointment, it is recommended that you come to the school collect to enrolment pack. Complete the enrolment forms and bring relevant documentation with you to speed up the process. During the enrolment meeting, you can expect to discuss:

  • the school expectations and responsibilities
  • the students learning issues/difficulties
  • uniform and laptop requirements
  • programs that may be available to support the students learning
  • invoicing and fee鈥檚 through Student Services

school Uniform

The uniform policy has been developed using a consultative process involving parents, Student Leadership Group, Governing Council, students and the staff. The uniform policy is in place to:

  • Provide a safe environment, allowing for the instant identification of non-school members within the school site
  • Provide a positive school image, and identification within the school and a sense of belonging and responsibility
  • Provide economical and serviceable clothing

transition program

麻豆色情片 runs a comprehensive year 6-7 transition program to assist primary school students transition successfully into secondary school. A number of activities are conducted throughout the year and include:


Information session for parents


primary schools visits by 麻豆色情片 staff and student ambassadors


2-3 days of secondary school visits to get an understanding of the daily routines and subjects

Your Future Starts Here.

If you have concerns regarding your child鈥檚 transition to secondary school, please arrange a time to speak with the 7/8 Senior Leader at 麻豆色情片 on 86473300.

leaving procedures

Students who are considering leaving throughout the school year should make an appointment with the Wellbeing Leader to discuss options. Students will then be required to bring back all resources borrowed from the school, hand in their school ID card and complete a student clearance check.

Students who are in their final year (e.g. year 12) will have to follow the leaving process on completion of their final exam or assignment.